VO2max Metabolic Test & Analysis
VO2max, bionergetics, metabolic results, spirometry and training zones
Service Description
What you’ll get out of our VO2max test: -Your VO2max score -Your maximal heart rate (at 10/10 RPE) -Aerobic health and the maximum oxygen you can use per kg per minute -How much fat and carbohydrates (CHO) you burn at each intensity -How many calories you burn per minute/hour at each intensity -Respiratory and cardiovascular fitness insights -Training zones customized to your specific physiology and sport/activity -An understanding of your specific physiological limitations (cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, neuro) -Spirometry testing ($25 add-on service) -Exercise routine to train your physiological limitation(s) identified -How best to move forward to reach your goals and a plan for assessment VO2 Max Metabolic Fitness Test: VO2max, bionergetics, spirometry and training zones – $185 (report and review included)
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance. Our late cancellation fee is $75. Thank you for your understanding. Well wishes!
Contact Details
1441 York St suite 100, Denver, CO 80206, USA
(720) 443-0998